Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mirror, Mirror

I was browsing one of my very talented friend’s website and was blown away with her work… the way that she captures beauty, the way she exudes beauty. To find, pour forth, and share that to others blew me away.

I have been thinking about beauty lately. I went to a friend’s wedding recently and one of my friends there got on the topic of how the bride was beautiful because of her gentle and graceful nature about her [among other things]. …

and in the midst of these conversations and ponderings I have been asking in a quiet voice, so that even my heart can barely hear: Where is my beauty?

Now before all of my lovely friends come to my rescue and speak words to rest assure that I am indeed beautiful, would you hear my out.

I know I am beautiful. The God of the universe, the maker of heaven and earth, all good, all beauty, all wonder and grace has made me after all. He does not make mistakes and all that he speaks and touches becomes astounding and full of love and beauty. So I know I am beautiful. But where is it? In which part[s] of myself is beauty present?

I was reading proverbs 31- the famous ‘woman of noble character’ segment the other day trying to get a sense of what the Word calls beauty. She has strength and dignity, she works feverously, giving to the needy, is not afraid of trials and uses her skills to support her family.

Looking at Ruth, how she left her home, her people to go to a place and take care of her mother-in-law. When others would have said ‘peace out lady- I’ve got my whole life ahead of me’- Naomi even told her to go and find a new husband… but she did not. She stayed with Naomi and worked; she found favor because of her beauty-so much so that she is remembered thousands of years later.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;

but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Where is it? I have come to remember that my real beauty comes from the Lord and my proximity to Him. The more that I draw near to Him the more of His beauty can be seen in my being. Which in turn will burst from me and people will wow at it- they will wow at His beauty made real in me. He has stamped His image on me, and it is beautiful. When I allow Him to shine on me, I mirror His beauty and the world wows. Not only does this show through me but His glory and beauty is shown through all of us when we allow Him to.

I pray that we all will allow it to break forth.

The world needs His beauty

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